Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christmas Aftermath from 2019

 I found this buried on my desk. It was written after last Christmas which was not my favorite Christmas. I had spent December running the Christmas marathon instead of looking forward to the celebration of my Savior's birth. The company was gone and I was in let-down mode.

Christmas is over and peace reigns in the house. Sasha, the cat, comes out from under the bed where she has been hiding from the noise, clammer and one two-year old. She sniffs everywhere to find out who has been here and where they might have been before coming to our house.

She finds an occasional crumb that tastes good and others that she only sniffs. When she comes upon a red M&M on the kitchen floor, she decides it's a toy and bats it across the room.

The Christmas tree lights are still on and the packages that must be delivered elsewhere are still under the tree. But the only sound is the heater going on. Sasha thinks that's a good sound because it means a warm grate to sit upon and warm her flanks. Soon the heater goes off and she remembers her red M&M. She bats it from paw to paw until it hides under her food bowl. Life is good!

It will be interesting to see how Christmas 2020 goes.

Insightfully yours,


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