Friday, July 31, 2020

Pandemic at Six Months

It is now  six months into the Pandemic. How are people doing? Not too well I would guess by the articles in our newspaper. How are those who have Christ doing?I think better than  most but I can only tell by those I'm in contact with.It takes effort to keep contact because we can only meet for church through Zoom. There are no hugs, handshakes, subtle winks, or knowing glances. But for those who have Christ, His Spirit speaks to others who have Christ, and there is a bond deeper than family or friends. Jesus said, "I will never leave you or forsake you," and He hasn't.
So I follow my normal routine. I get up early, make my coffee, smoothe cream cheese on my bagel, and go outside to my patio. I sit and admire the beauty around me and it's hard to believe an invisible menace exists. I see the birch leaves waving to me from the next street over and the dove on his favorite branch in my neighbor's tree. He calls and I answer in my best dove whistle. I don't think he's fooled but we play this game for a while.
Every day a little flock of ;birds comes through our yard to feast on the bugs on our crepe myrtle, our camelia bush and the Lily of the Nile. I have to watch for them because I can no longer hear their high-pitched chirps. Fortunately they appear at approximately the same time every day - a testimony to the rhythms of life God has ordained.
I sit with my Bible on my lap and read of God's faithfulness and His love and care for me. I will continue my routine for the day, both the mundane and the fresh and new, and I will enjoy both God's sunshine and my house's air conditioning. I will trim expired blossoms and also look for new tomatoes and squash in my garden.
Meanwhile my cat sleeps on a nearby chair with her face towards the sun. She is at peace and so am I.
Insightfully yours,

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