Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Thou Shalt Not Gather nor Sing

What were the rules made against churches during the pandemic? 

First, I think it was OK to gather, but not to sing. Then, I think it was only a certain number of people could be inside the church building. Then, no indoor gathering, period.

What did we do? We worshiped on ZOOM.

Remember when God told Moses to say to Pharaoh, "Let my people (the enslaved Israelites) go three days' journey into the wilderness to worship Me"?

First Pharaoh said, "You  can worship but stay here in Egypt." Then he said, "OK, go into the wilderness but don't go very far away." Then he questioned, "Just who is to go?" When Moses said, "Our young, old, sons and daughters and all our flocks and herds," Pharaoh said, "No, only the men can go." Finally Pharaoh said, "All right your little ones can go, only the flocks and herds may not go."

Each time Moses was relentless. "We must go three days' journey into the wilderness with all our people and animals to worship our God." And you remember what God did to Pharaoh and the Egyptians.

We, too, will worship the Lord our God in the way He has commanded: gather together (ZOOM or in person) and "Sing to the Lord all ye saints of His and  give thanks at the remembrance of His Name." (Psalm3:4) "Praise the Lord! sing to the Lord a new song, praise Him in the assembly of His saints." (Psalm 149:1)

Hm-m-m, this is Super Bowl weekend and I just heard the following instructions: "Don't cheer. Use noise makers." Really? 

Insightfully yours,
