Our first rain! How lovely to sit in a warm house and watch the water drip off our roof. I imagine the air is getting washed, the dust is shoved to the ground and turned into mud.
I hear a siren in the distance and realize that the first rain also brings slick roads and I have to be extra careful when I drive. But perhaps the rain will put out our California wildfires. What blessed relief from God who is the One who brings rain. Was it just last year that we had yard signs all over town that said "Pray for Rain'?
My cat is looking in through the glass door. She had wanted out and we do have a covered porch, but I guess she's had enough cool and now wants to sit on one of the heater vents around the house. She has her favorite.
Interesting, the life of a cat. So leisurely. I should talk. Here I sit in my warm house watching the drips fall from our roof. The first rain.