Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spiritual Journey

In what ways has God graciously done everything you need to know Him, and help others know Him?
That was the question in my Bible study this morning.

What a fun question to answer. I began to trace my spiritual journey and this is the bare bones skeleton I came up with.

He gave me life,
put me in a family that attended church,
gave me His Holy Spirit when I asked Him into my life at age 9
gave me a Christian group in college,
a Christian boyfriend who challenged my faith
gave me a husband who wanted to go to church,
gave us a young married couples group at church,
gave us an opportunity to lead an adult Sunday school class,
introduced me to Bible Study Fellowship,
put us in an evangelical church
gave me a deep love for His Word,
gave me children to further mold and refine me
tested me with depression when I didn't follow Him,
restored me
continues to encourage me in my writing for Him
continues to teach me to trust Him daily with guidance from His Holy Spirit

Each of these could be a whole chapter and if you want to know more, just ask me. Better yet, write your own spiritual journey. See how faithful God is!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Each morning when we release our cat from her nighttime captivity in the house, she wants to prowl her yard, check out the exotic smells left on the bushes, the illusive humming birds at the feeder, and the whole plethera of insects flying just above the lawn. But soon she comes to find me. She knows I always talk to her, pet her soft fur, and fill her dish with food. She knows I'm her master.

The Bible says each animal knows his master but we, who were created by God, do not know our Master. Interesting, even fascinating - we who have higher intelligence do not recognize who holds our lives in His hands.

Animals, of course, live by instinct. And I guess up until a certain age we humans do too. But when we realize we have been given free will by our Creator, we so often choose to leave Him out of the picture. Romans, chapter one, says that the first step of error on our part is not recognizing Him as God - authority, majesty, omnipotent - Master.
Insightfully yours,