Monday, December 28, 2009

And Now for the Rest of the Story

Well, Christmas has come and gone (actually it remains until the New Year around here).
Yes, the cast did come off after 4 weeks. Then I was in a splint. I started hand therapy and my poor swollen hand and wrist really didn't appreciate it. For the first week, I was anxious to go because I wanted to be able to write my name. I was disappointed when I flunked the movement which is like shooting a gun. I just couldn't squeeze that hard. I was amazed at the number of "toys" the therapists used to restore my mobility. It was hard work and I was generally exhausted when my two hours was up.

By the second week, I just wanted to go home and curl up in the fetal position and sleep after my sessions.

I've now completed 10 sessions and may or may not do more. I not only can shoot the gun but I can press my thumb (which is arthritic) and my index finger in a pretty good pinch. I can also touch each other finger easily with my thumb. I can write with my right hand, tie my shoes, floss my teeth, pick up the cat, carry out garbage and waste baskets, vacuum, clean soiled appliance pieces with an SOS pad, etc. My default hand is now my right hand and if it can't do the job, my left hand helps. Christmas decorations went up later than usual and Christmas cards are still being written, but I don't think God is that concerned with our preconceived time schedules.

This has indeed been an adventure. I learned to expect improvement incrementally and rejoiced over each new accomplishment. Now I'm looking forward to being completely well, mentally (I CAN do this), emotionally (I don't have to focus on ME anymore), and physically (I like my new default to my right hand). God did give me a new attitude, one of gratitude to Him for His healing process.

One small P.S.: I start shoulder therapy three days from now. Maybe in three days I won't need it. My whole right side is getting stronger day by day. But whatever God has in mind, I'll do and I'll learn more lessons. He is good!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I did.
Insightfully yours,